Farmers are busy with Spring seeding operations but are also out checking some of the earlier seeded crops.

A risk of frost over the weekend in some parts of Saskatchewan, posing some concern for newly emerged crops in low lying areas.

When assessing frost damage, it's important to wait 4 to 5 days to see if the plant can recover.

Frost damage for crops depends on the temperature and the length of time it stays at that temperature.

Most crops are fairly frost-tolerant to a certain point. 

Spring cereals tend to be able to take temperatures as low as -6°C since the growing point is below the soil surface.

Canola and mustard will generally recover from a light frost and can tolerate temperatures down to -4 C.

When it comes to Pulses, Lentils have good frost tolerance, while if the growing point on a pea plant is killed it can send up a new shoot from the seed.

Temperatures are expected to slowly start warming up over the next few days.