On January 1st, 2022, Cochranites can expect their auto insurance to change.  

DCPD, or Direct Compensation for Property Damage, is part of one's mandatory auto insurance. Aaron Sutherland, western vice-president at the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) said that the changes allow for a much more efficient and more streamlined vehicle repair process following collisions.

"Today, if a driver hits you and damages your vehicle, your insurance company [will] typically recovers the cost associated with that from the insurer of the at-fault driver. What DPD does is, is it lets your insurer take care of you whether someone hits you or you hit somebody else, they will be responsible for repairing your vehicle. Your insurance company doesn't have to recover the cost associated with that from the at-fault driver."

Sutherland said that when it comes to costs, the law stipulates that the impacts of DCPD have to have a net neutral impact for insurance premiums in general.

"Owners of less expensive vehicles that cost less to repair will pay less for their insurance," he said. "But it does also mean that owners of more expensive vehicles motor may pay a little bit more. It really ties the price of your insurance and better aligns your insurance to the cost to repair your vehicle."

Sutherland explained that DCPD will not change the benefits one receives.

"It doesn't change your ability to seek legal recourse if you don't feel you're getting the benefits you need. it doesn't change your access to pain and suffering awards and the like. It's really just a change in how your vehicle is repaired following a collision by another driver."

According to the Government of Alberta's website on Automobile insurance reform, "Making a DCPD claim will not affect your premium. Your premiums may be affected by accidents for which you are partially or completely at-fault and At-fault drivers will still be held accountable by having to pay higher auto insurance premiums and having at-fault collisions added to their driving record."