Crystal Kissel was encouraged to seek re-election to Rocky View County council and continue to bring the voice of her division's residents to the table.

She says that was her top priority during her first term and would continue to be so if re-elected.

"If feel that was my job to do. I was elected by the people and my job was to take what they're saying and bring it to the table. For that reason, I sat my family down, and we decided to do this one more time. Hopefully, we can have some positive changes in this election."

She believes the number one issue in the county is making sure new development pays for itself.

"All development isn't good development. If the rest of the residents in Rocky View have to pick up the tab to have a development go forward, that's not good business. I think we need to run Rocky View like a business. We have a huge budget, so it's important things pay for themselves."

Kissel says the county's off-site levies don't cover the costs, so they're being subsided by residential taxes. She says that's money that could be used to improve existing infrastructure in the county.

"A lot of areas would like to see some pavements on their roads, but we don't have the money for it. We have stormwater issues and we have a policy in place, but we haven't funded the policy in over three years."

She says the county needs to look at the bigger picture when approving developments.

"These little one-offs and not understanding the big picture is what's creating infrastructure, traffic, and service issues. We have to look much bigger than we are, rather than taking it one application at a time."

Specifically, in Division Three, she says the major concern is allowing further major developments in south Bearspaw without the necessary infrastructure.

"That's a big conversation, and we need a solution before any more large housing projects proceed. We need to figure that out. I don't think the 'I'll Build It, and They'll Come' approach is the right way to build a county."

Despite it being a controversial first term, during which was among the councillors sanctioned, she lists several major wins for what was then Division 7.

Among them was clearing up issues in the Monterra community.

"They had a lot of things that were left up in the air, like the ownership of the roads, problems with the water, dealing with municipal reserve lands, and all of those things. The community is in a way better position today than they were on election day, four years ago."

She was also able to help residents resolve issues with the county.

"We worked through a lot of things, and in the end, I feel it was successful for those people. For that, I am thankful staff stepped up and helped everybody out."

She's also proud that the county was able to reduce its land-use bylaw to a 100-page document that is easy to navigate, comprehend and implement.

She views the denial of the Scott Pit gravel application in Bearspaw as a major win for residents.

"Having Scott Pit turned down by this council based on the fact that it's just too close to residents' homes. I think said a lot. I think that's the first time this council really listened on gravel applications."

She's also pleased council agreed to reduce the approved size of the West Cochrane gravel pit application. She says it wasn't that the residents were opposed to gravel development but that it was simply too large.

"I took my lead from the residents that are affected, and I asked for a quarter, and the council affected that."

During her term, the Cochrane and District Agricultural Society had its future secured when the county gave them a multi-million dollar quarter-section of land for $1. She calls that a very special gift that had never been given before by the county.

"I wish them all the best, hope they succeed, and that it does become something that will last throughout the generations for this area. To see this sold to developers would have broken my heart."

Also running in division 3 is Jolene Airth, whom we previously profiled.