Tobogganing in Cochrane is a common sight throughout winter with numerous hills for kids to rocket down. 

Nine-year-old Townes Berreth was with his friends going down a hill in the Riversong area when one run came to an abrupt stop.

“We went down the hill and I thought it was just snowball. When I hit it, my friend flew over me and squished me,” explains Townes. “Then I flew over the toboggan, and then I couldn't move. Her grandpa had to come and carry me up on the sled.”

“I hit a lot of cement blocks with a metal pipe sticking out of it.”

The surprise collision sent Townes to the Children’s Hospital in Calgary where the damage was revealed. 

“I broke two bones in my left leg and fractured three bones in my right foot too.”

The injuries have left the 9-year-old in a wheelchair with a recovery time estimated between six to eight weeks and his right foot may need surgery.

The incident has not dampened his attitude, “My new nickname is Crash” Townes jokes.