There's a huge variety of masks to pick from as we try our best to stay healthy and keep others safe during this COVID-19 pandemic. 

A lot of people have taken to making their own face masks, some with wire nose pieces, some without and there's also a lot of one-time use masks available. 

Cochrane Fire Services, Fire Inspector, Jeff Avery says the important thing to remember is the mask is only going to offer protection if you're using it properly.

"The common mistakes that I see most often is when somebody is wearing a mask but it's under their nose. So you have to make sure that the nose and the mouth are covered and if you have the kind that has the little metal rim and gently press that against the nose so it has a good seal and then again, nose and mouth covered."

He says "Another common mistake that you see is people every time they go to talk or go do something they'll pull the mask off and tuck it under their neck and then go put it back on and then tuck it under their neck or raise it up to their forehead. So, once it's on, leave it on until you get back to your car or home, whatever you're comfortable with."

Masks can be hot and annoying but Avery says it's important to not fidget with it. 

"Avoid touching it as much as you can as well because lowering it to your neck and raising it to your forehead if you've been touching other things now, then that mask has become contaminated if you have touched something that is contaminated. So, leave it on, try not to touch it and have your nose and your mouth covered."

Avery recommends keeping hand sanitizer in your vehicle and making sure your hands are clean before taking the mask off. 

He says even a cloth or reusable mask is only meant to be worn once before it is washed. So making sure you have a few on hand, is a good idea. 

Avery is reminding you to find a garbage for your disposable mask when you're done with it.