It is a proven fact that women have double the risk of developing dementia over men. In the past, it was believed that the primary reason was due to women's longevity to men. Recent research shows that is no longer the belief. 

Padma Genesh, Learning Specialist with the Alzheimer Society says, "Researchers have discovered that dementia and Alzheimer's, which is the most common form of dementia, is a women's issue rather than a men's issue based on all the evidence that they gathered.There are several other factors involved that could explain the difference in risk between men and women.They came up with the conclusion that it is a complex interplay that is happening of genetic factors,biological factors, hormonal factors,cardiovascular risk factors, and life experiences."

In recognition of January being Alzheimer Awareness Month,Genesh will be the guest speaker at the Women and Dementia information evening being held at Points West Living in Cochrane. She will be discussing the research findings as well as risk reduction strategies because as Padma says, "We are not near a cure yet so in that kind of circumstance, the best thing we can do, is actually reduce our risk."

Women and Dementia takes place Wednesday, January 22 beginning at 6:30.The information evening will be held at Points West Living,60 Fireside Gate. Admission is free.