In chambers on January 30 council approved to increase Council remuneration after a review by a separate committee.

The committee which included 4 members at large plus a previous Councillor, reviewed 11 comparable municipalities and say findings show Cochrane council is one of the lowest compensated councils in comparison. The recommendation brought forth was to raise council's annual salary by 2.5% every year for the next four years; while the increase will not take effect until after the next municipal election, Councillor Morgan Nagel was the only Councillor not in favour.

Nagel took a stand disagreeing with the salary increase stating it is not an economic issue but an ethical one. With the province caught in one of the worst economic downturns, Nagel feels it is wrong to take more money to pay for government workers including himself.

"I am never going to advocate for layoffs or salary cuts, I just think we should be giving ourselves salaries what taxpayers can afford not what we feel we deserve."

Rather than just talk the talk, Nagel will walk the walk.

Nagel has decided if he is once again voted to represent Cochrane he will donate his funds to a bronze statue monument that will highlight Cochrane's cenotaph. The reason Nagel has chosen to donate to the Legion has a personal connection.

"Supporting our military is something I am particularly passionate about, my brother's in the army and I know all his friends, his fellow troops, and I just feel our government in Canada, all across the country, doesn't do enough or give enough appreciation for what the soldiers do for us."

While Nagel knows it is a not a huge amount of money he says even a small amount is a good start.

Below is what council are currently making through the next four years.

2016 Council Renumeration- Base Salaires Adjustment        
            Proposed term adjustments
Position:  Current Base Amount   17-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct  
        2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50%  
Mayor: $84,671     NA NA NA NA  
Councillor: $28,501     $29,214 $29,944 $30,692 $31,460