A unique group of business owners, alternative health practitioners, health and fitness experts and artists are coming together at the first Cochrane Mind, Body and Soul Show this Saturday (September 23).

Deb Beynon along with committee members Cindy Evans, Roseanne de beaudrap and Darlene Musser have organized the show.  Beynon says the show's theme is "Explore Your Balance," amd the goal is to help people in Cochrane and area to find and maintain balance in their lives.

50 vendors have signed on to be at the show and, according to Beynon, there's a real variety in the group.  "We have energy healers, we have card readers and energy readers and other, kind of, psychic medium type stuff.  We have an acupuncturist, massage, lots of different jewelry people but they're all kind of related to energy and vibration, so crystals, essential oils, the kind of thing that raise your vibration."

Beynon explains the concept of vibration.  "We're all made of matter, like molecules and things and everything in our universe vibrates.  So by raising our vibration with things that make us feel good like sound, food, exercise, meditation and crystals, we can help eliminate stress and anxiety, and improve physical and emotional well  being.  Everything we're offering at the show is focused on raising your vibration to help with your emotional and physical health."

The show will have a trade show atmosphere says Beynon.  "Some people will be offering their services free of charge and some of the readers will be doing mini readings for a small charge."

Beynon explains the show is an alternative choice in well being but she doesn't want it to take away from traditional medicine.  "I think people are starting to look for more ways to feel better, rather than taking drugs,  Massage, acupuncture and aroma therapy are really big right now for helping people find balance so we're just offering an opportunity for people to come and take a look and see what other choices there are."

The show will take place this Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm at the Cochrane Lions Event Centre (formerly Cochrane Curling Club), 109 Fifth Avenue.  The admission is free.  Draws and lunch are hosted by the Cochrane Lioness Club.

For more information on the Mind, Body and Soul Show contact Deb Beynon by email at harmonic-healing@hotmail.com  or call her at 403 818-1640.