Rocky View County (RVC) council declined an offer for the purchase of the land occupied by the Cochrane and District Agriculutral Society (CDAS) because it did not meet the county's expectations.

An unsolicited offer was reviewed during an incamera session on July 11, and Division 9 councillor Bruce Kendall says it was refused because the price, terms and provisions for the relocation of the CDAS were not acceptable.

"Council understands the need of the Ag Society and won't accept any offers unless the terms meet their needs," says Kendall.

In the meantime the CDAS is undertaking a needs assessment and business sustainability study with some financial assistance from the county. They initially aimed to have the needs assessment completed by the end of the summer. It will encompass work with user groups members, riding pass holders and the community-at-large through open houses and direct meetings to gather information. It will also use some of the studies the county already has that include recreation services in the region.

Kendall says he's anxious to see the results of the needs assessment and the business study that will follow.

"It's going to take some time, but hopefully it all goes in the right direction."

In 2016, RVC declined the CDAS request for an extension of their lease after declaring the leased Ag Society lands as surplus. The county has since put the property on the market and as of yet have not found a suitable buyer.


Cochrane Ag Society Planning For A Needs Assessment