The U15 Cochrane Aces girls volleyball team has risen above adversity to become provincial and national champions.

This determined squad of players went undefeated at provincial in Edmonton the first weekend of May and followed it up two weeks later by striking gold at nationals, also in Edmonton.

They were 7-2 and went undefeated in all four of their playoff matches to rise to the top.

Matt Fries, who also coaches volleyball at Bow Valley High School, says they are an amazing group of young athletes who deserve every success.

"They did all the hard work," he says. "I just nudged them in the right direction. They rose to the occasion and fought through some adversity, especially getting a new coach part way through the season, like that's not easy. They're a pretty special group, so I'm proud of them."

volleyball 1The U15 Cochrane team went undefeated on their way to a provincial championship. (photo submitted)

He says having Aces volleyball come to Cochrane has been ideal for young athletes.

"I believe it's the quickest growing sport in North America right now, so just having that opportunity for young female athletes to play in Cochrane means a lot. You don't have to go into Tuscany, or the northeast or southeast Calgary  to play club."

The club season falls outside the school season and typically begins to fire up in late November.

Last week, the U14 Cochrane Aces won their division at nationals.