Environment Canada has released it's seasonal forecast for this winter and although 2019 / 2020 winter predictions are suggesting a slightly warmer winter,

Environment Canada meteorologist Dan Kulak says the data is limited at this time. Kulak says "For Cochrane and Southern Alberta the forecast is maybe suggesting the possibility of a slightly warmer than normal winter conditions. There's not a lot of confidence in this forecast at this time because there really is no El Ninos or La Ninas out there which really are the things that drive the weather for the winter across Western Canada."

Kulak says that these early seasonal forecasts are based on computer models and are comprised of significant data from around the world; including ocean currents and

atmospheric patterns and although the official predictions do suggest a slightly warmer winter season, he advises Cochranites to gear up for a "typical Alberta winter" 

"These are simply seasonal forecasts and are broad generalities for about a 3 month period. You're still going to get extremes. You're going to have warm, you're going to have wet, you're going to have cold and snow, you're really still going to have everything in there. In other words, it's a standard Alberta winter."