Local artist MJ Stead is once again auctioning off her artwork in support of the Veterans Association Food Bank.

For three years in a row, Stead has painted pictures with all proceeds going to support men and women in need who fought for our freedom. 

What started off as a way to support a cry for help from the Veterans Food Bank, Stead says supporting this cause has been an easy one for her. "I have always had a soft spot for Remembrance Day and being thankful for all those that gave their lives and served for our country and I thought maybe I could help a little bit."

Working in conjunction with Cochrane Fire Services annual food drive collection, Stead donates her sales to Fire Services to fill in the gaps or shortfall of items needed. "I just give them the money and they go do all the shopping and it is something I can do that doesn't cost me a lot of money."

This year has been a particularly trying year for Stead as she has battled a cancer diagnosis and aggressive treatment. "I have been dealing with breast cancer for the past eight months at least, unemployed, basically a starving artist...but this is something I can do."

Over the past couple of years, MJ has raised over $600 but this year she is attempting something new. "This year I am doing smaller paintings in watercolour. I thought maybe by doing smaller paintings we could raise a little bit more as people have room for smaller paintings."

Smaller paintings are also easier on MJ physically, who finds spending too much time standing at the easel physically taxing. 

Hoping to raise over $600, MJ is asking you to take a look and share the page.

The online Facebook auction ends on November 8th at 7 pm; artwork and bids can be viewed HERE