We went camping for the first time this year. 

It was a very different experience from what we're used to. 

We slept in a tent, which I haven't done in years and years and years.

We are lucky enough to have a trailer but we can't access it right now because it's stuck down in Montana.

So we gave tenting a whirl this weekend. 

Between the freezing cold temperatures at night, cows mooing nearby, birds chirping, middle of the night bathroom breaks, the rain and the sun coming up at 4 a.m., not a lot of sleep was had. 

It definitely made me realize how fortunate we are to have a trailer and enjoy the comforts that come with that. 

All in all, it was enjoyable and I'm glad we went out for the adventure over the weekend, and for the first time in my life the air mattress I was sleeping on didn't deflate, so I will take that as a win!

Are you a camper? Do you brave camping with kids or in the rain? Let me know!

~ Lauren