It's not everyday someone turns 90 in our community but on Saturday, October 22, you have the chance to celebrate this momentous birthday with Royal Canadian Legion members, young and old.

Paul Graham, President of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 15, says the Cochrane Branch has been around since the start of the Royal Canadian Legion and is one of three Legions celebrating  90 years of uniting veterans and community. 

Graham says the Legion is a not-for-profit organization which helps support local associations on a continuous basis.

“We have barbeques every Friday night so all different groups that are looking for support they come in and they volunteer Friday night to cook the steaks and hamburgers and prepare the potatoes, salads and stuff.” In return, Graham adds, “We will do a donation to your charity.”

The vitality of the Legion is still strong with over 400 members in our local branch, and continuing to grow. If you think you would have had to fight in a war to become a member think again. 

“There's no stringent rules that you have to be an RCMP or a firefighter or military person. Anybody at all can join the Legion. The biggest thing in my mind to become a member is to show the younger youth that it is important to support the veterans. That without their input from past and present years we wouldn't have the freedoms that we have today.”

The Legion's 90th celebration runs from 12-6 pm, on Saturday, and will include music, face painting, and a free BBQ.