A survey conducted by Rocky View County in partnership with the market research firm Leger has shown that most people are happy with life in Rocky View.

Conducted between March 21 to April 17 2022, over 1500 responded to a wide array of questions regarding how happy they are with the county.

89% of residents feel they have a good/very good quality of life, while 70% believe it's been consistent over the last three years. A big factor for this was the country living style, which the county hopes to keep. 25% of people who felt their quality of life improved was because of country living.

On the flip side, those that felt life got worse said the top reasons were traffic/closed roads/ diverting routes (35%),as well as overdevelopment and urban sprawl (18%). Clearly, keeping things more rural is a big focus to keeping citizens happy in Rocky View. However, one of the key improvement areas people wanted to see was planning for future growth, so striking a balance between growth and maintaining a country lifestyle will be key to keeping people happy.

While the survey was mostly positive, with 80% saying they would recommend living in Rocky View County and 76% proud to live there, another big source of discontent was their council. Only 34% said they're satisfied with their council. On top of that, only 23% agree that the County communicates its decisions, and 31% feel that their feedback is taken into account for decisions.

This was the first citizen satisfaction survey done since 2009. A summary can be found here, and the full report can be read here.