Spending time together uninterrupted by the constant distraction of today's technology and noise of social media can be a challenge.

A group of families made Family Day Monday (Feb. 19) special by setting aside these devices and instead spend a few hours together to play games, enjoy meals and share each other's company.

"With technology and all the advancements, spending time together as a family has become difficult," says Paul Singh, one of the organizers. "That's why on Family Day with all our busy schedules, we all came together as a family."

familySeveral games were available to enjoy during the Family Day Gathering. (photo supplied)

Several local businesses provided sponsorship and volunteers stepped forward to make it all possible.

Nearly 90 people participated.

Family Day became a statutory holiday in Alberta in 1990 at a time when Premier Don Getty had a year-long public preoccupation with family issues.

Premier Getty said that it was important for Albertans to spend time with their families, and that this holiday would emphasize the importance of family values.