January 2022 has graced us with sunshine and spring-like temperatures ... mostly.

If you can remember back to the very start of the year most of Southern Alberta including the Cochrane area was actually under an extreme cold warning with wind chill values near minus 40. 

Since that first week, we've been on an upward trajectory though, seeing temperatures consistently hit the mid to low double digits.

Now as the month closes out, it's going out with a bang. According to Environment and Climate Change Canada Meteorologist, Terri Lang we have snow, heavy wind and plunging temperatures on the way.

"There's a complex weather system moving through the area right now," explains Lang. "We've got a clipper moving down and what that will do is bring some snow with it and a lot of wind."

Lang says that the snow and wind combo is going to wreak havoc for motorists, with poor visibility expected for highway driving. She says we can also expect temperatures to plummet overnight.

"Temperatures will take a nosedive as that cold arctic air surges down," explains Lang. "More snow will continue brought on by the wind, so not too much in the way of accumulations, maybe a couple of centimetres worth but certainly cold air continuing to come in."

Lang says that frostbite and other cold weather-related ailments will be a factor over the next few days. Cochrane's forecast will range between minus 15 and minus 33 then quickly rebound as we get closer to the weekend.

If there's one thing we've learned about those massive weather shifts is the effects that the freeze-thaw cycle has on our homes. You may want to run your bathroom fans over the next couple of days and turn down your humidifier to avoid any moisture issues.