Now that Mother Nature is finally cooperating, Town of Cochrane street sweeping is set to begin on Tuesday (May 9).

Additional growth means more streets to clean, says Laurie Drukier, Senior Communications Advisor for the Town, sharing the town anticiptaes  to wrap up by Friday, June 2. 

A pre sweep of main roads and residential areas has already been completed. This year was exceptionally bad for debris, shares Drukier, "there was a lot of material put down this winter because of all the snow and ice." With the sweeper only able to hold so much debris, pre sweeping allows them to complete the neighbourhood cleaning process in one sweep.

The Town is good at providing ample warning, adds Drukier, "there will be notices up in neighbourhoods two days in advance of the sweeping in that neighbourhood."  With vehicles needing to be removed from the roadway before 8 am, Drukier, reminds residnets the town relaxes the rules for off street parking if they are cleaning in your neighbourhood. "On street sweeping days you can park in alley ways."

In the case of inclement weather, by 7 to 7:30 each morning, town communications staff will post  a confirmation on their social media and twitter pages if they are a go or not."

You can find out when your neighbourhood and road will be cleaned by checking here. Some roads, in new development areas are not included in the residentail street sweeping program because they are not considered town roads yet, Drukier, suggests if in doubt...ask.

"If people have questions, they can post on the facebook page and were pretty quick and getting back to people."

The final word from Drukier is to be a good neighbour. "Remind your neighbours, help out if people need it."