We can look forward to an extra hour of fun for Halloween 2020.

This year, Daylight Saving Time falls on Sunday, November 1, and the clocks will go back an hour at 2 am.

Fire Inspector Jeff Avery with Cochrane Fire Services says that Daylight Saving Time is the perfect time of year to do updates and maintenance on your home detectors.

"It's a great time to change the batteries out of your smoke alarm, your CO detectors," says Avery. "Make sure you give them a test, make sure they're working and if they're not - get new ones."

Avery strongly recommends taking these simple safety precautions, even if everything appears to be in working condition.

"Even if they are working, replace the batteries because they've been in there for six months already," says Avery. "If you missed last Daylight Saving then they've been in there for a full year now."

He also recommends changing the batteries in the detectors that are hardwired in and says that the batteries can still drain. Avery says that there's little cost involved and the added safety benefit can be lifesaving.

"For what a battery costs for six months, that's pennies a day," says Avery. "So, change every battery that you have in your smoke detector and CO and be safe."

Enjoy your extra hour of fun or an extra hour of sleep this weekend. The clocks change over at 2:00 AM on Sunday.