2023 was one for the books for the Cochrane Public Library. 

Carmen Erison, program and engagement manager says attendance at the library increased by 81 per cent in 2023.  

"We have been busy but Cochrane, you have been coming out to the library and honestly this is you, this is Cochrane. This is the community coming out to the library saying, 'we like what you're doing' and we are so humbled to see this increase in numbers that I can't wait to see what 2024 brings." 

You can't go to an event in Cochrane without a representative from the library being in attendance and the library itself is always a bustling hub of activity for people of all ages. 

"That is every person that we have directly worked with in regards to programming or community events says Erison. All of that is all of those people that we are directly connecting with and bringing some sort of program or service to them."  

"This community is truly amazing! The amount of people that come to the library everyday is just a sheer joy to watch." 

What's next for the library? Erison says they intend to continue to grow. 

"We're seeing a need in this community, people are looking for free things to do. They want to get out of their homes, they are just looking for unique programs and the Cochrane Public Library has something for everyone." 

The Winter 2024 Program and Activity Guide is out, you can sign up for programs HERE