Voting got underway this week on whether the  Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) and Alberta Barley Commission should formally amalgamate into a single crop commission.

In collaboration with Alberta Agricultural Products Marketing Council (Marketing Council) and the third-party election advisor, MNP, there are two plebiscites being held: one for barley growers, and one for wheat growers.

Farmers who have paid a levy on wheat or barley sales from January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2022, including farmers who have requested refunds, will receive a voting PIN in the mail they can use to cast their vote online or over the phone. 

The plebiscite gives wheat and barley farmers the ability to determine the future direction of the commissions.
AWC chair Greg Sears is hoping for a strong voter response.

"Electronic voting provides barley and wheat farmers the chance to vote from anywhere including the cabs of their combines."

Farmers who grow both barley and wheat crops will have two votes - one for each crop.

Farming corporations, cooperatives or partnerships will have one vote for each crop they grow on behalf of their legal entity.

Voting is open until November 1, 2022 at noon, and can be accessed through computers, tablets and smartphones, as well as the telephone.

 Alberta Barley chair Tara Sawyer says it's critical to have as many farmers as possible engaged in the vote.

During the groups winter meetings Alberta farmers gave their approval for the commissions to proceed with farmer plebiscites. 

 If you are an eligible grower and have not received a voting PIN by October 12, please contact the Voter Help Desk toll free at 1-844-807-5762 or at