Check out an exclusive behind-the-scenes view of the brand-new Protective Services Building in Cochrane.

CochraneNow got invited to check out the new Heartland location before the big move-in for the RCMP. 

Walking through this building, you could really see everything was intentional. From the design of the halls and rooms, all the way to the furniture, everything was meticulously thought out.

Cochranites going in for their crime-checks or to fill out a statement will also have plenty of room with a brand new waiting room. 

While I was able to catch multiple areas on video, some areas were off-limits to the camera, such as the bullpen. Some doors were closed off to the tour as well, which included the holding cells (despite my best efforts to convince them to lock me up even for five minutes).

Huge shout out to the RCMP and Town of Cochrane for letting us come explore the new building.
