The Town of Cochrane is looking for resident's feedback on what they'd like to see from cemeteries in the area.

The town is preparing a Cemetery Master Plan and new Cemetery Bylaw, the drafts of which will be presented on Sept. 21 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Cochrane Ranchehouse.

Manager of Parks and Open Spaces Gerry Murphy says the town wants to know what locals think of the drafts.

"We'd like as much community feedback as possible," he says. "Anyone who lives in the area, anyone who has someone they've memorialized at the cemetery, even if you don't have any of those roles, if you are a resident of Cochrane you might be interested in what plans we have for the cemetery."

The revised Cemetery Bylaw and Master Plan aim at ensuring best current practices, and enhancing the range of interment option to serve Cochrane.

Murphy says any ideas, opinions, or feedback are welcome.