Happy Mario Day (MARch 10) to all the gamers in town! I caught up with some of the kids in Cochrane to find out what the best video games right now.

Archer (age four) loves Mario 3D World. “You jump and there are some goombas, and a kitty suit, and fire suit and tanookie!”

Aiden (age 15) plays Fortnite with his buddies. "It's a shooting game, there are 100 people and you try to survive. It's like the Hunger games"

Ruby (Age five) games on Xbox and plays Paw Patrol. "We have to get pup treats, and you have to get golden paw prints. My dad helps me sometimes!"

Gavin (Age eight) builds his world in Minecraft. "The best thing I ever built was my dirt house that I mined all the way to bedrock!"

Aiden (Age eight) challenges dad in NHL. "I play against my dad every night. I've almost caught up to him, we have been counting."

Rachelle (Age 10) explores the world of Zelda. "I find it entertaining and it feels like real-life..except for the monsters."

What is your favourite video game? Send us a note, give us a shout 403-981-0915, or let us know on our Facebook page
