Gender equity and inclusion are essential topics in today’s conversations that are being explored tonight (Fri. Feb. 11) at Cochrane Ideas.

Tonight's presentation by Renita Bartlett is entitled "Embracing our differences: Let's Talk Safe Spaces." 

A safer space is a place or environment in which a person can feel they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, judgment, or emotional or physical harm based on their gender or sexual diversity. 

Bartlett will explain the difference between sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression; define the terminology used to describe sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in today’s world, outline ways to be an advocate/ally for 2SLGBTQ people, and discuss the simple actions that can be taken toward making the world a safer space for all.

Presenter Renita Bartlett (pronouns she/her) was born in small-town Nova Scotia. She has been a long-time active member and ally in the 2SLGBTQ community. She helped found the Kindred Cochrane Pride Society and was active on the board until 2021.

She was also a member of Calgary Outlink and served as vice-president on its board of directors.

With her passion for making the community a safer, kinder place for everyone, Renita will be welcoming questions after her presentation.

This Zoom presentation starts at 7 p.m. and the "doors open" at 6:30 p.m.

The link is below: 
Meeting ID845 7659 3011
Passcode: 179780

Cochrane Ideas meets monthly to discuss a broad range of relevant topics. Their sessions are open to all interested people. Discussion and questions are encouraged following presentations.

Guest speakers and discussions over the years have focused on economic, social, environmental, political, historical, biographical, creative, artistic, personal, gender-based, religious, and spiritual topics.