Camille Dumont's Grade 6 class at École Notre-Dame des Vallées recently spent time learning how to write a newspaper article. As part of learning the process, they spent an hour on a Zoom call with CochraneNow's Lauren Meister and Eric Ruttle learning how to dig for stories, figure out relevant story topics, get interviews and then how to write the article. The class wrote an article about their new outdoor classroom and did such a great job we wanted to showcase it on our website. See story below. 


As of spring 2022, the French school in Cochrane, École Notre-Dame des Vallées (NDV), will have a new outdoor classroom. This area will be accessible to all grades and for all school subjects. “It took two years to sort out all the necessary permissions and permits, but we finally have a designated outdoor learning space for students,” explained the principal, Adèle Scott. This new space will also be accessible to all residents of Cochrane after school hours.

Research has shown that being outside can help students in various ways. Since then, outdoor learning has become very popular, especially in the last five years. The natural environment is calming and makes it easier to focus. The oxygen entering our body stimulates the brain and helps us to be critical and creative thinkers and more attentive. The sun is a source of vitamin D and energy for our body. It is also obvious that an outdoor environment has much more space for physical activity and inspiration when you study.

Fanatics of the outdoors themselves, the administration team at NDV looked at many learning areas out in the open before formulating the final concept. The latest classroom is shaped in a circle and reflects important values taught by the First Nations peoples of Canada. “It was also our goal that everyone using the space had the same importance,” stated Scott when she described the seating area. Finally, the concept had to look as natural as possible.

Even though the outdoor classroom can already be used, the project is not finished. In May, the trees and shrubs native to the area will be planted.  Afterwards, École Notre-Dame des Vallées plans on celebrating the newest addition to the community. 

Authored by: The Grade 6 class at Notre-Dame des Vallées 

outdoor classroom Photo courtesy: Ongoing Works
