This may be a good time to top up your tank.

Prices have fallen 2.9 c/L in the past week in Alberta.

Average gasoline prices around Cochrane have dropped to 86.9 c/L.

Senior Petroleum Analyst with, Dan McTeague says  the decrease is due to demands being stable and adequate supplies at the refineries. 

"It looks like you are benefitting from refineries especially in the United States running at decent levels. So in other words output is not being disturbed by unplanned maintenance issues."

McTeague feels there are no issues from the refineries in Edmonton: Shell, Petro Canada (Suncor) and Imperial Esso.

Does this mean consumers should jump to the pump right now?! McTeague says not to panic just yet.

"I think there's still room for these prices to drop, looking at retail margins in Cochrane, retailers are picking up 13 c/L. They do very well at 10 cents."

Good news for consumers, we are likely going to see another 3 cent drop in gasoline prices by Sunday, November 20.

Compared to prices last year, this year we are seeing prices 14 to 15 cents a litre cheaper. 

For live fuel price averages check here.