It just occurred to me that we are days away from the start of June, and officially in the homestretch of the school year.

Normally at this time of year, the countdown would be on... several countdowns actually!

My kids would be counting down the number of weeks left until summer vacation and I would be counting down the number of school lunches I had left to pack! (I definitely don't miss packing those school lunches!)

The last month of school usually means easing up on homework, fewer projects and tests to prepare for, and more field trips and fun theme days. 

The last month of school usually means ditching those warm, heavy jackets and trading them in for shorts and T-shirts instead.

I have a book for each of my kids that I usually get their teachers to sign at the end of the school year, so I guess I'd better request email messages this year instead. 

Our calendar is a lot less full this year. There is no end of the year recitals, wacky hair days or field trips pencilled in. There are a lot of fun things that we're missing about the last month of school, but we're making the most of it.

Also, did I mention how much I love and appreciate not having to pack school lunches?!? That in itself is cause for a celebration!

What are you missing or not missing about this normally busy time of the year?  Click here to let us know.

