Knowing the difference between heat exhaustion and heatstroke is very important as severe heatstroke can be life-altering or even deadly.

With a historic heatwave in effect for the area, it is more important than ever to understand the differences between the two heat-related maladies. 

Common signs of heat exhaustion include excessive sweating, nausea, and muscle cramp while some symptoms of heat stroke include throbbing headaches, a rapid pulse, and loss of consciousness.

If you're experiencing heat exhaustion, you should move to a cooler area, take a cold shower and drink plenty of water.

For any signs of heatstroke, you should take immediate action to cool off and call 911.

The heat warning remains in effect for our area continuing through the week with forecast highs in the high 30's including Canada Day which is expected to reach 36 degrees celsius with lots of sunshine. 

Safety tips