Cochrane resident Michelle Hounslow has had a whirlwind month.

She came home from Australia late last month with five medals from the World Transplant Games.

Now she's being recognized by Banff-Airdrie MP Blake Richards for her inspiring accomplishments.  

He presented the local athlete with an acknowledgement of achievement on Sunday, May 7, 2023. 

"I'm very thankful to Mr. Richard's for recognizing this and acknowledging what I've been through, but also the message that I'm bringing about. Organ and tissue donation is obviously very important to me, and the more we can get support and advocacy for better systems and better change, the better for everybody." said Hounslow.  

Hounslow was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease at a young age and had three decades of dealing with health issues. In 2018, she had a kidney transplant that changed her life.

She swam competitively at a young age but her health prevented her from continuing. 

She is now a member of the Cochrane Masters Club and trains in town. 

"I'm a pretty humble person, but I'm okay being proud of this accomplishment, what I've done to get there, the people that I've met, and what this cause has done for me." said Hounslow. 

She continues to train and is already looking ahead to competing in Germany in two years.