If you were hoping for a warmer October compared to September, it may not happen. 

According to Dan Kulak, Meteorologist with Environment Canada, the first half of October isn't looking very friendly. 

"The average temperature for this time of year are around the mid-teens, however for the next two weeks we will be lucky to reach ten degrees."

Along with the colder than usual temperatures comes an all too recognizable substance, snow. 

"When we have these transitions from relatively warmer to certainly cooler you can guarantee you're going to get something. So maybe its rain mixed with snow but moving into the weekend we will certainly see some snow, probably on Sunday night."

All hope is not lost however as Environment Canada and other Meteorologists are looking for signs of an El Nino winter, meaning on average warmer. 

"We are still looking for an El Nino situation which normally brings a warmer and drier weather pattern to western Canada but certainly its not to say there is not going to be any cold days, at this point we need to get through October first and it does not look likes it's going to be shaping up anywhere near on the warmer side."