A notice of motion was brought forth to Cochrane Council on January 9, which proposes  to amend the current smoking bylaw.

Councillor Jeff Toews notice is asking council to amend bylaw 20/2000 which will prohibit smoking on any sports field and recreation centre property by 5 metres within the Town of Cochrane, including electronic cigarettes.

Councillor Toews feels Cochrane's current smoking bylaw is redundant and needs to be revised, mentioning WinSport property has approved something similar.

"We are not breaking new ground, it's simply concerns about the health of our children and people in the community and I am sure there will be a small cost for signage but I can't see there being a big cost to do this."

Councillor Morgan Nagel, while not a smoker, feels municipal government should butt out of issues they cannot enforce.

"Too often I think council says we'll just pass this, were not going to be able to enforce it, so who cares?! We did that with our idling bylaw, we did that with our garburators, and now were doing it with this smoking ban. Why are we passing bylaws we know we can't enforce? It's not how a proper government works, we're supposed to figure out what it is we're supposed be doing, what is our responsibility, and what do we actually have the authority and resources to do."

Nagel also pointed out that a sports bar will be part of the new multi-sport facility and feels if people choose, should have the right to smoke as long as they are not bothering others.

"I think it is ridiculous to think we are going to have a successful sports bar that bans smoking."

Nagel has personally not received any complaints about smoking from community members, except from Councillor Toews; and while  he feels many may support the amendment he does not support council making that decision.

Nagel feels maybe a more appropriate thing to do is to create designated, easily distinguishable, smoking areas.

"We could create designated smoking areas in all these places; over in Mitford Pond, at the park, at the rec centre and say if you are going to smoke, please smoke here. Put a picnic table there and have a little ashtray that is there and people can pick them up when they change the garbage cans. That way it is clear you are supposed to be smoking a clear distance away from the doors."

If you would like to voice your opinion on the smoking ban let council know your thoughts.






