Quite often being a parent goes under appreciated and unrecognized but the Western Rocky View Parent Link Centre is taking steps to change that.

The Smile campaign has been initiated to recognize positive parenting practices by rewarding parents with a smile card. At the bottom of the card there is an attachment that they can take back to the Parent Link Centre to receive a gift for their child.

Kim Krawec, Parent Link Centre Coordinator, says they aren’t looking for huge momentous occasions but picking out the little everyday positive parenting things.

“You don’t have to be taking your kid to Disneyland. We’ve just been looking for positive relationships, like a parent interacting with their child in the grocery store or even disciplining your child if you said no in the candy store and your child is having a meltdown.”

An extra part of the gift is that the parent will receive an extra card to pay forward and give out to someone who they think is being a positive parent.

“We want to change attitudes and try to create that culture where it does take a village to raise a child and we’re all in this together and we’re compassionate for other parents. We’re recognizing those positive things.”

Krawec adds in society today we tend to look at the negative side and when a child has a tantrum in the middle of a grocery store people give disapproving stares. Instead we at the PLC want to turn that mindset to a more positive philosophy so people offer to help or even just a knowing look that shows you understand what that parent is going through.