The town's 12-day spring street sweep begins Wednesday and residents are asked to move their vehicles off the street or expect a ticket when they get home.

Bow Meadows, Jumping Pound Ridge, George Fox Trail and the upper and lower Bow Ridge streets will be the first dusted off on Wednesday, Apr. 24. Neighbourhood by neighbourhood public works will work through the community to clear some of the grim of winter.

Crews can most efficiently remove material from curb-to-curb if there are no vehicles on the road. For the second year, Community Peace Officers will be in neighbourhoods on sweeping days to issue tickets for vehicles left on the street. Last year they issued a total of 279 tickets for $50 each. If not paid by the stated deadline they become a $78 provincial ticket.

Bow Meadows, Jumping Pound Ridge, George Fox Trail and the upper and lower Bow Ridge streets are scheduled to be swept first on Wednesday, Apr. 24.

“We know Cochranites want to help keep our streets clean and safe,” says Wally Hume, Roads Manager. “The best way for crews to get a good sweep is to do it with no vehicles on the road.”

Residential street sweeping is scheduled to be completed by May 9, with extra time added at the end of the schedule for any work delayed or cancelled due to weather or mechanical issues. Street sweeping downtown and on main roads is done mostly at night to avoid traffic.

Be on the watch for notification signs being placed in each neighbourhood at least 48 hours in advance of sweeping. No-parking signs will be strategically placed 24 hours prior.

Vehicles should be moved to driveways or parking pads before 8 a.m. on the scheduled sweeping day. Parking is also allowed in alleys for those who do not have other off-street parking.

Residents are also asked to move curb ramps and basketball nets. Both actually contravene Cochrane’s streets bylaw.

Earlier this month town crews did a pre-sweep.

A full schedule appears on the town website as well as their Facebook and Twitter social media outlets.