The municipal election is fast approaching and if you have been thinking of throwing your hat in the ring there are some things to take under consideration.

Running from a place of passion is a good place to start, says Councillor Gaynor Levisky; for herself, running was a mixture of personal reasons as well as the belief of bettering an already great community.

"When I think of what skills that someone could bring to the table; to be open, to always be respectful to administration, your fellow councillors, to residents, and really try to nurture that collaborative approach. We deal with a lot of information and we don't always get it right. Sometimes we are governed by legislation that is provincial or federal and our hands are tied, but sometimes we can make a difference at the municipal level and sometimes we need to course correct."

Levisky says she has enjoyed her time on council, but be prepared for a balancing act.  Although labelled a part time position, the demands are not a 9-5 time frame. "It doesn't ever really shut off, the commitment of a councillor is increasing and more demands." Getting into the political ring initially will take you time and effort to understand not only current policies and procedures, but what is driving the bigger picture. Another challenging area can be constantly being berated and disrespected not only through email, but social media, and even in person, which is just not acceptable, period. "I think what residents need to remember is that on the end of that email is another resident, yes I am a councillor, but if people just remember I am a human being, a wife, mother, daughter; if they want to have collaborative conversation that is going to get them a lot farther."

Communication and community engagement will continue to be a work in progress so assumptions are limited. "Making sure the community has the right information getting those facts out, getting that engagement, and getting that right information to people because a lot of the emails we get are quick assumptions."

As far as highlights, Levisky shares it is the little successes that to her matter the most, the ones where you feel you have bettered another community member's life,"it's the little moments where you can do things, that I take away." 

A piece of advice for those running."Keep it classy. It's so easy to go to that place where you are wanting to put someone down their decisions or them as a person. If you can stand in your own place and come from your own platform in what you want to do without you having to say disrespectful things about past councils, really know why you want to run, understand what are things you are passionate about changing in our community, and get the information, go talk to administration, call me, email me. Really take the time to get your facts straight and talk from that authentic place."

For anyone interested in entering the political race you can do so anytime up until nomination day on September 18, 2017. If you are entering before nomination day you must register with the municipality and can do so here. This year's general municipal election will be held on Monday, October 16.