With a cold and snowy weekend in our forecast, I think it's time to break out the comfort food!

Wikipedia describes comfort food as follows...

"Comfort food is food that provides a nostalgic or sentimental value to someone and maybe characterized by its high caloric nature, high carbohydrate level, or simple preparation. The nostalgia may be specific to an individual, or it may apply to a specific culture."

There is proven psychological evidence that such foods trigger a reward system in our brains and here's a surprise, we use it to treat ourselves for what ails us!

So, for me, comfort food means thick homemade soups, stews, and casseroles. Naturally, chocolate chip cookies and gooey sticky cinnamon buns are on my list too.

What is your go-to comfort food?

 Send us a note, call us up at 403-981-0915, or jump over to our Facebook page.

The added bonus, just talking about food takes our minds off the weather and the pandemic and there are no calories!

...Candace :)