Cochrane and Area Victim Services is highlighting a topic that is, unfortunately, growing in caseload. 

This Thursday afternoon (May 30), Cochrane and Area Victim Services in partnership with the Today Centre is hosting an informative session regarding Family Violence.

Lauren Delahunt, Executive Director for Cochrane and Area Victim Services shares with May 26th to June 1st being 'Victims and Survivors of Crime Week,' they wanted to hold a customized workshop for service providers. "It is more of a refresher rather than going into great depth. It is going to be looking at the different types of violence someone may be experiencing, the barriers they are faced with, understanding the different roles of power, and really how to respond when someone discloses that they are experiencing domestic violence. It is always good to have a refresher and the best way to handle those types of disclosures. Things change, and we get an increase of knowledge over time, so going back in and looking at domestic violence and understanding it, is not a bad thing for anyone."

Service providers could be anyone from teachers to daycare providers to healthcare professionals, but really any service provider can benefit. "Family violence exists across our community; there isn't one specific population that is dealing with or experiencing family violence so we believe any service provider could benefit from the information."

On top of the workshop, thanks to funding from the Department of Justice, the two organizations will also be releasing an informative booklet for the community at large. "We put this booklet together with the Today Centre out of Edmonton. Although it is a book they have had going for many years, we have gone through some of the information with them, changed some of the information, and made our booklet relevant for Cochrane."

Thanks to the funding opportunity, Delahunt is proud to say that over two thousand free booklets will be available to Cochrane and area residents within the next couple of weeks. "People can definitely pick one up from Cochrane Victim Services, the Resource Centre (FCSS), as well as Big Hill Haven Outreach (FCSS). We are hoping to have them available at other places like doctor offices, schools, wherever the public is."

With over half of their files being family violence based, Delahunt is hoping the workshop and booklet provide valuable information to those requiring help. "People have to be ready and wanting to take that step and move forward, but I  think the more resources we can provide for them within the community and education, will only help. Each situation is different and everybody goes through their own experience but having tools, resources, and people to help will only make the journey easier. I think that because domestic violence is such a personal, private matter for the most part...while I won't make any assumptions, I do believe that people would be surprised that over 54% of the files that we see in the Cochrane area are family violence related."

The workshop is being held at the Cochrane Alliance Church from one to three in the afternoon (Thursday), and those interested are asked to register by calling Cochrane and Area Victim Services at 403-851-8055 or at their event link which you can find HERE. Delahunt, says if you can't make the workshop but would like to learn more, call them at any time and they will be happy to come out and provide education.