Making sure Cochrane's Canada Day party goes off without a hitch requires your help. 

Thousands of Cochranites are gearing up to celebrate Canada's 156th birthday, but in order for everything to run smoothly, organizers are on the hunt for more volunteers. 

Kailey Mitchell with Cochrane & Area Events Society (CAES) said last year some of the kids activities needed to be cancelled or shut down early due to the lack of volunteers. 

"There are shifts throughout the day. We've got some people who come and help set up in the morning. We've broken the shifts into three-hours, so if you're watching one of the kids games or running one of the kids activities, then you're just there for a three-hour chunk." 

The day will be full of activities for the entire family from children’s games, bouncers, a petting zoo and pony rides. There will be food trucks on site and lots of live entertainment.

Mitchell said there's a variety of volunteer opportunities available. 

"The set up and tear down are both things that we need help with. The kids activities are one of the biggest ones because we've got things like the triathlon, they're coming in and doing their thing and we just need people to help register and check people in for that, or the archery tag. We also have people who monitor the parking lot because we have very limited parking on site."

There is no parking available for the public, Mitchell said the parking lot is only for food trucks, vendors and dignitaries. 

The public is being asked to bike, walk or take the Southland Shuttles or COLT to Mitford Park on Canada Day.

Mitchell said takes about 80 volunteers to make Canada Day happen.

You can sign up to volunteer HERE

The fun-filled day will finish off with a bang with a fireworks show at 11 p.m. 

91.5 CochraneNow's Eric Ruttle and Lauren Meister will MC the event.