With the interchange announcement made, Cochrane Mayor Ivan Brooker now sees the future of the upper bench of 5th Ave. in Cochrane's downtown core as the next major discussion.

With the boxes checked on his top three priorities, exactly what shape this area takes is next on the list, believes Brooker. The bench currently encompasses the existing swimming pool, the 5th Ave. clubhouse of the Boys and Girls Club and the curling rink and its future has been a big question mark since the aquatic and multisports centre construction was announced.

In November, town council endorsed the idea of establishing a community hub on the land but made no financial commitment. It was listed as the number three strategic priority of council in 2016, only superceded by transportation issues. Stakeholders are currently being consulted by the town.

While a final decision may be reached, Brooker foresees it could take some time to develop, depending upon the availability of funds. 

"It might not be something we start right away because I'm sure funding will be the issue there and we have to pay off what we've already done," says Brooker. "But that doesn't mean we shouldn't start planning for it, understanding what else is needed in the community. I want to start that conversation pretty soon and that is not going to be a real short one, I'm sure it will be quite entailed."

Boxes already checked on the mayor's list include the interchange, aquatic and multiple-sport centre and clearing the way for a second bridge across the Bow River.

He's pleased to see the town is on track to begin developing the bridge crossing.

"Our road alignments are in place and we're starting on the north section this spring."