The spectacular display of Northern Lights overnight lived up to the hype.

"Last night was easily the most powerful geomagnetic storm I have witnessed," says acclaimed local photographer Tim Hall, who captured the event. "I was tracking it for two days before it made it to earth and the night was perfect for the show."

lights 2(photo/Tim Hall)

"Normally, I have my camera facing north to photograph the northern lights, and last night around 1 a.m. I actually turned the camera and shot to the south. That is how far the lights were reaching. I bet people in Arizona could have seen them last night."

lights 3photo/Tim Hall)

Intense auroral borealis activity is expected to continue until Sunday. Viewing may be hampered the next two evenings due to cloud cover and heavy smoke from wildfires in northeastern B.C.

We thank Tim for sharing his images with us to share with the community.