Be on the lookout for The Wildies this Stampede season. The group of Albertans represent some of the most iconic pioneers and trailblazers in various parades, events and fundraisers over the summer.

Emily Marasco, a member of The Wildies says they continue to innovate on ways to interact with the thousands of people they see over the summer.

“We have a couple of new things this year which are pretty exciting. So you can watch for our sashes that we have for all of our walkers wearing and our mounted participants have serapes to tell you more about the famous women that we're portraying.”

“We're also now hosted through Discovering the Horse, which is a local riding and horsemanship organization and we have a partnership now with their new pony patrol. So we give younger members the opportunity to join the parade and learn more about the historic trailblazers that we're portraying.”

wildiesWildie Emily Marasco as Lucy Maud Montgomery and her daughter. (Photo/Wildies Facebook Page)

The club continues to grow with upwards of 30 Wildies participating in various parades throughout the season. “We are growing quickly! At least 25 per cent growth in new members and with the young ones more than that.”

“We do have some opportunities for people who want to just get their toes wet. If you want to join us as one of our sign holders, we also have some horse wranglers who assist us.”

The Wildies have a busy 10 days ahead of them with the Calgary Stampede and plans to be in Cochrane for the Labour Day Parade.

“We're really just excited to bring our community together and share more of those diverse stories that we don't hear about from that time period of the 1820s to the 1920s”

You can find more information about The Wildies HERE.