Town officials remain optimistic that construction of the James Walker Trail extension will begin in 2025.

Drew Hyndman, executive director of Development and Infrastructure Services, says the balance of this year is being spent planning and resolving outstanding issues.

"We have some technical matters that we have to address, but we're confident that we're going to see that project move forward soon," says Hyndman.  

He says the first stages of it would likely be completed to support the first phase of the development of Southbow Landing by Qualico Communities.

"But for the true extension and the connection that everyone is looking for, we still have some details to work out."

In mid-May, town council turned down a proposal to provide direct control zoning for three parcels left undesignated in the new community. Qualico had sought to development a mixture of high and medium density housing on the lots.

"We're still working with the developer and have entered into a memorandum of understanding with them and then their next phases of a subdivision they would be advancing James Walker Trail. Of course, there's a component of James Walker Trail that is the town's responsibility."

The town budget calls for expenditures of $880,00 this year and $8,075,00 in both 2025 and 2026.

On Saturday, Mayor Jeff Genung and members of council will be touring the lots in question with Qualico officials to informally discuss the next steps to be taken.