It's safe to call the second annual JDRF Canada Walk in Cochrane a smashing success. 

Twelve-year-old Brodie Rosene has Type One Diabetes (TID) and for the second year in a row, he helped to fundraise and organize the event that went last weekend. 

Brodie's mom, Megan Hamel said she's proud to report the one-day walk brought in an incredible $13,000. 

"It feels so great, just spreading the word and getting people to participate and understand that there are so many other people out there dealing with Type One Diabetes, that my heart was full the whole day."

Megan Hamel

The family smashed their fundraising goal and more than doubled the $6,000 they raised in 2023.

"Brodie and I raised just over $2,000 this year. We had a goal of $1,000, so it was great to double it."

Hamel said it's pretty amazing to see the community come out and support Brodie. 

"We just want people to come out. We just want people to see that there are lots of kids and lots of adults out there. Every little bit helps, it's just amazing to see that with even a $25 donation, you have a bunch of those put together, and they make one big contribution."


Approximately 100 people attended the June 1 event at Mitford Park. 

"We'll definitely be doing it again next year."