The Boys and Girls Club has always been a place for youth to hang out or register in specific programs.

Although the club has a free drop-in available they are noticing a decline in kids ages 13 to 17 hanging out in the space.

Anna Rutherford, Youth Programs Coordinator, says a possible reason behind the drop in attendance could be in the name of the club.

"Youth generally identify as being more adults than they do children. So when they see the name Boys and Girls Club they don't really see it as a space they want to spend time. It maybe a space that their younger siblings would hang out."

Rutherford explains there is also a misconception that the space is only for the less fortunate or individuals facing more challenges, but the space and services are open to anybody from the ages of 9 to 17. For older kids they do special events.

The Boys and Girls Club, Rutherford says is planning to rebrand.

"It's looking like we're going to have a whole new name on the building. It will be identified differently and we're hoping that maybe it will attract more youth into the space."

Currently, the space has lots of fun things for youth to do such as jamming on instruments, playing foosball or video games, watching Netflix or even computers to work on assignments.

Rutherford adds they encourage youth to speak up and let them know what they would like to see at the club.