The annual Spring Commemorative Event is still a go today (June 11).

Despite the fact the church was destroyed in an early morning fire on May 22, the McDougall Stoney Mission Society thought this year out of all year's was important to gather, reminisce, and celebrate the past, present, and future of the sacred landmark.

Sarah Harvey, a 10 year member on the board of directors, shares at first they thought they may cancel the service; but after talking it through they realized even though the church may be gone, the society and site still exist.

"No matter what we're still going to go on one way or the other, if we rebuild or not. We still have a lot to offer people, we still have a lot to offer the public. We just want to invite people out, let people know what our plans are moving forward."

Harvey, says even though they are still waiting for reports from fire investigators, insurance, and the province; they want people to know the society still exists and this isn't the end of the story. "We're still waiting to have questions answered too. I think it's just important to have the community come together and to realize that we are still moving forward, it's really important for people to know that. We aren't just going to clean the site up and go away, something's going to happen one way or the other."

Harvey says the support of the community has been incredible; from monetary donations, pews, pianos, to other churches offering to host booked weddings. The question isn't so much are they going to rebuild but when, what, and how.

"Everybody is on our side and everybody is pushing us to rebuild and we'll see that (today) when the community comes together."

Representatives from the family as well as the society will be on hand today as people reminisce, share stories, and look at pictures. 

The Spring Commemorative Event will run rain or shine from 3 pm to 4:30 pm at the McDougall Stoney Mission Site. Donations will be accepted on site, at any ATB location, or at a Go Fund Me page found here. Harvey adds besides monetary donations there are many ways people can and have offered to help, and they will be discussed today.


A Piece of History Burns Down