Questions will remain unanswered for two more weeks on the water and wastewater lines incident that forced Cochrane into a state of emergency for over 48 hours.

Town CAO Mike Derricott repeated what he had previously stated, but has now added a date. He has promised to provide a full report at town council's Nov. 20 committee-of-the-meeting.

"I know that there's a lot of interest and questions in the community about next steps and what happens now," Cochrane CAO Mike Derrricott acknowledged. "I think the best we can say at this point is that those are valid questions and we will be continuing to release information about the incident as we go as well as hopefully prepare and present a wholesome report on the 20th."

Derricott says the town is well protected contractually for these types of circumstances.

"We continue to work under best practices to ensure the interests of our community are protected as we work through what is a complicated and sensitive issue."