The Movember movement has been changing the faces of men's health around the world since 2003.

The annual event involves growing moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's mental health, suicide prevention, prostate and testicular cancer.

Cody Esposito is a firefighter with Cochrane Fire Services and he's one of 16 local firefighters participating in the Movember movement.

Esposito says that raising funds and awareness for men's health has a personal significance for him.

"Myself personally, I lost a grandfather about 14 years ago from cancer," says Esposito. "It has a direct effect on me and anything I can do to help raise awareness, raise funds, anything I can do to help I feel honoured to do it."

Esposito is a new hire with Cochrane Fire Services but he's certainly not a rookie in the annual Movember movement. He says that he's been participating in Movember for as long as he's been able to.

"Pretty much ever since I could grow a mustache," says Esposito. "It's been about six or seven years now that I've partaken in Movember. I used to play hockey and it was the same thing with my hockey team, it was something that we'd always jump on board with and get excited for."

Esposito says that participating in Movember with the crew at the Firehall helps them to bond on a personal level while supporting a good cause.

"It just brings us all together across all four platoons," says Esposito. "We all kind of look the same, some mustaches are better than others but it definitely raises the comradery, brings us all together as a group and that's definitely something to strive for."

To help the Cochrane firefighters raise funds for this year's Movember initiative you can click here.

Movember was started in Australia 17 years ago and since then has become a global movement.