A cup of tea or coffee and some dessert are commonly enjoyed while people gather to discuss the topic of death.

An in-person gathering of this type is not currently possible, so Cochrane Ideas is instead holding a virtual Death Cafe this Friday, June 11 via Zoom.

Right off the top, it's important to note a Death Cafe is not meant to offer bereavement support or grief counselling.

Death Cafes are held worldwide to increase awareness of death, which is useful at any age, and aim to help people make the most of their lives, explains facilitator Heinz Unger.

"There is no agenda, no objectives, and no specific themes, but it should rather be an open and confidential conversation about the unique experience of death," he explains.

"There's no intention to lead participants to any conclusions, products, or any course of action."

Death Cafes are a social franchise and are supported entirely by volunteer efforts.  More than 12,000 have been held worldwide over the past 10 years.

More information on Death Cafes can be found here.

Here's the information you'll need to join the Zoom meeting.

ZOOM link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82645782257?pwd=a2NXdlJSMk5YbGdGaDVMWmNwWWVXZz09
Meeting ID: 826 4578 2257  Passcode: 510410

The "doors" open at 6:30 p.m. and the discussion begins at 7 p.m.

It's the last meeting of the group before it takes its summer break.

The Cochrane Ideas Group was founded in October 2000 and meets to promote thoughtful discussion through the respectful exchange of ideas on a wide range of topics. No subject is taboo. The group normally meets in person but is currently holding Zoom meetings.

You can learn more about Cochrane Ideas here.