Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights is a Hindu celebration that is celebrated around the world during the Fall season.

Cochrane's South Asian community is preparing for this year's Diwali celebrations and they want to include the broader Cochrane community.

Paul Singh says that since this year's celebrations will be modified because of COVID-19, the South Asian community is rolling with the punches. They too are doing something different and are looking for participation from Cochranites.

"With this pandemic, it's going to be different all over the world," says Singh. "We would like to celebrate Diwali with our fellow Cochranites by educating and inviting them to learn about a new festival as part of our diverse community in Cochrane." 

Cochrane's South Asian community is holding a Diwali contest. They want Cochranites to learn about the Festival of Lights and answer a couple of simple questions.

"Why is Diwali celebrated?" asks Singh. What is the significance? and When is Diwali?"

Singh says that three Cochranites who answer those questions correctly will walk away with gift cards to local Cochrane businesses.

"They're contributed by people from the South Asian community living in Cochrane," says Singh. "It will be gift cards from local businesses just to support our local economy also."

Singh is spearheading the Diwali contest along with Cochranites Jas Thind, Jag Thind, Jaswant Singh, Madan Bista, Puneet Rana and Kamal Sharma.

To participate in the Diwali contest and try to get your hands on a Diwali gift from them you can head to the Newcomers Cochrane Facebook page or email your answers to Karansidhu4415@gmail.com.