Over one million minutes were read at Fireside School's annual Read-a-Thon in February. 

The students at the K-8 school tallied up their reading minutes and Tara Sly, assistant principal said they read "Over 1.153 million minutes actually all in, and our goal was to read 900,000 because we were just over 800,000 the previous year. For the fundraising part, we were so fortunate to raise over $12,500. That money will go towards enhancing our outdoor learning space, which is set to be built this spring." 

Laura Wright - Top Grade 7 ReaderLaura Wright - Top Grade 7 Reader

The outdoor learning space will provide a spot for students to sit and read.

It will be built in the back section of the school near the portables this spring. 

Sly said "There was a pulse in the building with kids coming to see the Learning Commons and sign out books to read and their classroom libraries, and part of a way to build that love of reading within our community was they could have conversations about books, and any staff member in the building could give out a ballot. What I noticed was kids coming to talk to me about books. It wasn't about the ballot, it was about wanting to show me what they were reading."

Gigi Martin (K)and Lana Flaherty (8) with Skylar Hawk.jpgGigi Martin (K)and Lana Flaherty (8) with Skylar Hawk.jpg

A highlight for Sly during the month was a reading chain the students formed, "Over 750 people in our school came together and formed a reading chain throughout both floors of the building." 

Nine guest readers from the community came into classrooms to read to students throughout the month. 

There were over 100 prizes handed out from local sponsors to young readers at the school.